Sunday, April 30, 2006
How the Mighty Reds have fallen. The dissapointing show they put against Chelsea really put a dent in my spirit. Chelsea thrashed the Reds 3 - 0 at Stamford Bridge. The Red's missed two golden opportunities. Yet i agree the better team won today. Happily The Red's celebrated theyre Reserves winning the league. The finals against the Liverpool reserves is a win either way. Go reserve team.....
Nothing could have ended the day worse then United loseing 3 - 0 and Rooney carried off as Chelsea clinch the title. Worst part is Man U is drawn wid Liverpool for second place right now!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Yesterday night was Edmund's birthday. Congratulations Edmund! A whole group of us jammed up at a local mamak to celebrate the occasion with him.Heres the birthday boy
The cake we got!
The attendee's. Im snapping the shutter =)
Edmunds Groupies =p
The cake was good before that Oaf stuck his face into it~
Edmund, Me , Caleb
Justin , Chee Heng , Me
Justin , Edmund and Chee Heng posing for a shot. never expected Chee Heng to come
All in all it was great. we had fun celebrating our ex-housemate's birthday with him. Happy 23rd Birthday Bro~
Thursday, April 27, 2006
The blog will more or less be simple for awhile as i revamp the coding... I recently screwed everything up and had to revert it back to basics. Until i get the coding right It'll be like this. Exams are looming and the pre-exam stress is kicking in. Hope i get it all done in time!
Friday, April 21, 2006
AHh well my next post came sooner then i expected. All because 10minutes ago me and a fellow housemate were laughing our heads off. For the first time in my life i heard a PlanetShaker's song sung in chinese. "Open up the Gate's" was sung, and to be honest it sounded hmm..cant use weird..diffrent..yeah diffrent! Well since my mother tongue is practically in English , I always find it weird to hear English song's translated in Chinese or any other dialects for that matter~. I was laughing because it sounded funny in another dialect, Yet i find it cool because somebody went to the trouble of translating the song just so others could enjoy it as well.. Good motives as you could say. Now all those other lamers like to translate idiotic music into languages.. Like that Numa Numa Yei song... Which idiotic dumbass would translate that into Chinese? The original song was already lame! And the translation was no better. Hope the translator jumps off a building or sumthing for agonizing me til the bone with that translated song. But on a lighter not, I think its great that good songs are being translated "For the right reasons" and not for some stupid money making gimmick. Nontheless i would find it awkward to go to a PlanerShakers Conference nad hear them singing "Shake The Planet" and "Everybody Jump Around In The House of God" in chinese... *Laughs" Well maybe thats just me =)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Its a bleary Thursday morning and yet i am still up. I should be resting ,but as the exam's loom nearer im forced to burn the midnight oil. But on a lighter note, I cant wait for this Saturday as Manchester United will kick Chelsea's ass. Its been two weeks since my last post. Lack of inspiration the root cause. I hope you guyz find this intresting/inspiring and doubt clearing. Bear with me, I'm going to try to explain a mystery that no one seems to really understand, especially not me. And the reading I've
done has shown me that some of the greatest theological minds cannot really explain this unity of two exceedingly different natures in
one Person, yet I'm still going to try! (I'm either presumptious or very foolish, I guess...)
Jesus is fully God and fully Man. He did not leave His God nature behind in heaven when He became flesh and dwelt among us; He somehow
perfectly joined His human nature with His divine nature. He did not develop a Multiple Personality Disorder by doing so, either,
because these two disparate Natures were PERFECTLY and seamlessly joined within His Person.
When we read of His life and His death and His resurrection, we must remember these two Natures.
As God, He is worshiped (see Matthew 2:2,11 and 14:33). As man, He worshiped the Father (see John 17).
He was called God (see John 20:28 and Heb. 1:8). He was called man (see Mark 15:39 and John 19:5).
He was called Son of God (see Mark 1:1). He was called Son of Man (see John 9:35-37).
As God, He is prayed to (see Acts 7:59). As man, He prayed to the Father (again, see John 17).
Because He is God, He is sinless (see 1 Pet. 2:22 and Heb. 4:15). Yet as man, He was tempted (see Matthew 4:1, Hebrews 4:15).
As God, He knows all things (John 21:17). And as a human child, He grew in wisdom (see Luke 2:52).
As a man, He wept at the death of a friend (see John 11:35); as God, He called his friend from the tomb to life (see John 11:43-44).
As a man, He prayed that the cup He was given pass from Him; as God, He knew that His perfect plan of salvation had to be fulfilled and
so He subjected His human nature to His divine nature (see Matthew 26:39).
Because He is God, He is gives eternal life (see John 10:28).
Because He became man, His physical body died (see John 19:30 and Romans 5:8).
As a man, He laid down His life in perfect obedience (see John 15:13). As God, He took it up again (see Matthew 26:6-7).
All the fullness of deity dwells in Him (see Colossians 2:9), His body was of flesh and bones (see Luke 24:39).
As God, He knew no sin. As man, He became the perfect sin offering FOR US, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (see 2
Corinthians 5:21).
As a man, He was the curse FOR US (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree"); as God, He redeemed us from that
curse (see Galatians 3:13).
There are no contradictions in God's Word, only imperfect understanding on our part. Because this perfect unity of two very different natures within one perfect Person really is a mystery, I would seriously suggest we pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give us a measure of understanding. That's one of His many jobs,and He does it well!
I hope you people out there do benefit from this! If it has benefited you in any way please do leave a comment! @@
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I got this excerpt from a book~ Its pretty cool and clears the whole concept of Christianity by going back to the basics... Check it out~
"It is safe to say that when most of us read the word Christianity we really read "Religious Institution" or "Old, Outdated, Arrogant Religious Institution" for that matter. Images flash into our minds, everything from the Crusades to the perpetually complex and powerful Vatican machinery to two millennia of steeples and pews and organs to cheesy, makeup-laden televangelists who want our money. That we say is "Christianity" , A religious institution, and a bad one at that. Surprisingly when the word was first coined it referred to something much more simple and provocative and shocking. To really understand "Christianity" we have to go back to the beginning to put first things first. For starters, Jesus was not a Christian.
He never asked anyone to become a Christian,
He never built a steepled building,
He never drew up theological treatise,
He never took up an offering,
He never wore religious garments,
He never incorporated for tax purposes!
He simply called people to follow him. Thats it! That, despite its simplicity is it.
He called people to follow him , The first two were brothers, Simon and Andrew. Regular guys, simple fishermen. The first two Christians ever. Those two brothers didn't think at all about "becoming Christians" or taking on a new religion. Here was this thirty year old man (a carpenter) who simply said "follow me". And they believed him!
So, in faith these two brothers gave their lives to him (literally) putting down their familiar nets and following him. Here was the birthplace of a way of life, of a reality that would change the world forever. Before hurrying on with words and centuries of theology , we must pause at the cradle of what we call christianity. It is never more than Jesus' call "Follow Me" and a response of dropping familiar nets and following, in faith, this sandaled Jewish man.
It is never more than that.
Two thousand yeards of words can do nothing to the simple, basic reality of Christianity. Those first steps taken by those two brothers, Simon and Andrew's theology was as pure as it gets.
"Jesus said, 'Follow me.' and we did."
This is the only starting place.
Presumption and pride in the cathedral grandness and stained glass intricacy of two thousand years of Reigning Religion must not fabricate a Christianity that is too eloquent for its simple beginnings.
Simon and Andrew are Christianity's blue-collar dirty finger patriarchs
( Who probaly never quite shook that smell of fish).
They are where this thing called "Christianity" begins, and where our understanding of it must begin.
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