Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bumped into this as I was traversing my day. I found it absolutely beautiful and believe it's something that's worth being shared. :)
To laugh is to risk being a fool,
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental,
To reach out to another is to risk involvement,
To express feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before the crowd
is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
The person who risks nothing,
Does nothing,
Has nothing and IS nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
Bit they simply cannot learn,
Feel, change, grow, love or live.
Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 1:18 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Thursday, August 05, 2010
If I could put my words into thoughts it would be that, Yes I’ve screwed, Yes I’m forgive and reconciled with God, However at the same time, People don’t forget or are as quick to forgive for my prior trespasses. I think the greatest thing that hurts at this point of time, Is that when a person talks about religion or asks me about it, and I reply “I’m a Christian”, The reply “That you don’t seem like a Christian cuts the most”. Most people cant pinpoint by finger How a Christian should be, But most can spot when a person is truly not living his life out as one.
I can’t blame others for this. However honestly, whenever it happens, I always ask myself if it is worth it to reconcile myself with God? Is it acceptable? Or is it merely a Sham? A short lived Parade of conscience until my next undeniable fall into either inequity or doubt?.
Quick question, Without constant sunlight, The fruits die, But it isn't impossible to regrow them is it?
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 11:01 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
The holidays are always a great time to get to do the things that you usually don't have the liberty of doing, or things that you've always wanted to but could never get around the time to doing. Like learning a new soft skill, picking up and instrument, Sleeping til 2 in the afternoon, or gaming the whole night away. Yes all those little things that never fail to put a silly smile on your face.
You have just got to love the holidays!
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 11:48 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
At times life is trully ironic.
Just talking to a friend about life, about perceptions and realities can just shake our entire world to a certain degree.
Honestly I was thinking about myself around 2 years back, and I was imagining the conversation that my Former self and my Current self would have.
It would have been terribly ironic to find out, that the very person I eventually became was the very person I tried my hardest not to become.
I experienced the world in a whole new way, and kept God at an arm's length away.
Was he there?
He was always there...
Did I have issues that I couldn't deal with?
In abundance...
God was nearly always on my mind. But I had learnt the simple art of just tuning him out.
Blasphemous as it may be...
I don't really regret it. I was able to percieve life as I knew it from an entirely different angle. I was able to look at the other side of the world that most christians would gasp and be horrified at.
However the most important thing that I realised is that, You have to be real to yourself.... and at the same time to God.
Playing a facade does not help anything other then your ego.
I took the path less travelled, and to that I'm eternally greatful, For I would not have the insight I have attained, Discarding naivety.
However this leg of the journey was incredibly interesting,
The road is still long and winding,
However the destination is sure,
And to Him a trust, My faith is in him,
To be the lamp upon my feet.
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 12:59 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Maybe... just maybe in this lifetime...
I will finally find that which I seek..
I hope..
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 2:02 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
It being my semester holidays, from my stint in psychology, I finally decided to take a vacation and visit my mum. Passport was renewed, tickets were booked, and I was soon midair on the way down to the Middle East, a place I hadnt been in over 10 years. Finally touching down after a pleasant 7 hour flight, I finally reached Abu Dhabi International, The smaller equally prosperous cousin of the Bankrupt Dubai.
My first surprise of the night was that Maxis did not have international roaming out here, or that my assumption being that my package was post-paid and roaming would be automatically covered was non-withstanding. So this morning it was off to the mobile shop to get a prepaid sim. It cost a bomb, The simcard it self was DHS 75. With credit of $ 10 contained within. The irony is that we bitch and whine over telcos in Malaysia.
Truthfully the 4 hour time difference is a nice touch. Since Malaysia is 4 hours ahead, Even if I theoretically wake up mid day, Its still early morning over here. Thats a nice touch, however I can imagine the havoc its going to wreck when i get back to KL.
I feel as I'm going to start perusing the local cafes. With only 2 weeks, Theres much to explore and to discover. Sadly withouth bringing a proper camera along, I'm resigned to taking camera shots. Oh well thats better then nothing right.
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 6:30 PM
It's been months since I've actually last pasted in an entry. Frankly, I wouldnt even apologise for such. =)
Why I'm even beginning this post, Im hesitant even unsure of. But I guess everybody, myself included needs a place where I can jot down my thoughts as a rhetoric, so I may reflect on particular moments and thoughts well down the road. This is probably the umpteenth such post and can be guaranteed wouldnt be the last, as I have a knack for putting things off. However I guess its always better to atleast attempt to ride a bike rather then fully give up hope on it.
Til another time -
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 6:24 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...

It's been a pretty hectic past week. With my finals fast approaching. Currently its clocking under 24 hours. So during the times when I'm taking a break from Economics and Statistic's I stumbled upon "Old Time Radio" shows. These are shows that we're broadcast from the early 1930's and 1940's. While listening to them I actually found them pretty entertaining.
Its actually a wonder that before the television was a common household item. Families used to gather around the radio in the evening to listen to these broadcasts which we're in the form of series. Much like your common day drama shows. They we're filled with sound effects and multiple actors, and even canned laughter as a connotation of a joke. While these old time radio shows eventually died out, with the emergence of television shows, It's made a return. Not on the radio, but on the internet in the form of a Podcast. Podcasts are more towards the spread of information rather then blunt comedy and action that we're pretty common place aeons ago. Below are some links to a few old time radio websites if your interested in checking them up. I find them a good time killed which exercises the imagination. Hope you enjoy it.
Old Time Radio
Radio Lovers
Archie Comic's Old Time Radio
Pyschotic Exodus blogged at 2:24 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...